28.6.19 OIL sell 59.8-57.7=2.1point=4000qty x 2.1=8400usd profit
5 years ago
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28.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.27401-1.26801=0.006=60pips x 15=900usd profit
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28.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13900-1.13400=50pips and 1.13900-1.13500=40pips=90pips x 17=1530usd profit
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28.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.69901-0.70301=0.004=40pips x 30=1200USD PROFIT
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27.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.69400-0.69900 = 50pips and 0.69700-0.70100=40pips=90pips total x 30=2700usd profit
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27.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13900-1.13400=50pips x 17=850USD profit
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27.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2720-1.2660=60pips x 15=900usd profit
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26.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.69400-0.6990=50pips x 30=1500usd profit
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26.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2710-1.2660=50pips x 15=750usd profit
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26.6.19 USOIL SELL 59.9-59.0=0.9point=4000qty x 0.9=3600usd profit
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26.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1401-1415=14point=150qty x 14=2100usd profit
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25.6.19 USDX SELL 95.9-95.5=0.4point=2200qtyx0.4=880usd profit
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25.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.14100-1.13400=70pips x 17=1190usd profit
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25.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2780-1.2670=110pips x 15=1650usd profit
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25.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3150-1.3210=60pips x 16=960usd profit
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25.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1420-1439=19point, 1422-1434=12point and 1412-1427=15point=46point x150=6900usd profit
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24.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.69200-0.69700=50pips x 30=1500usd profit
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24.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.27701-1.27001=70pips x 15=1050usd profit
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24.6.19 USOIL SELL 58.2-56.7=1.5point=4000qtyx1.5=6000usd profit
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24.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1382-1400=18point and 1389-1422=33point=51points total x 150=7650usd profit
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21.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.6900-0.6940=40pips x 30=1200usd profit
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21.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2720-1.2640=80pips x 15=1200usd profit
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21.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3150-1.3220=70pips and 1.3160-1.3230=70pips=140pips total x 16=2240usd profit
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21.6.19 USDX SELL 96.3-95.4=0.9point=2200qtyx0.9=1980usd profit
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21.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1378-1412=34point and 1382-1400=18point=52x150=7800usd profit
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20.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.6850-0.6910=60pips and 0.6870-0.6940=70pips=130pipsx30=3900usd profit
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20.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.27201-1.26701=50pipsx17=750usd profit
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20.6.19 USDX SELL 96.8-96.0=0.8point=2200qtyx0.8=1760usd profit
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20.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1339-1363=24 and 1358-1394=36point=150qty x 60=9000usd profit
551.32 KB
19.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.6830-0.6880=50pips and 0.6850-0.6910=60pips=110pips gain x 30=3300usd profit
564.42 KB
19.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1260-1.1220=40pipsx17=680usd profit
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19.6.19 USDX SELL 97.3-96.5=0.8=2200qtyx0.8=1760usd profit
445.54 KB
19.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1338-1355=17point and 1339-1363=24point=41points x 150=6150usd profit
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18.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.68300-0.6880=50pipsx30=1500usd profit
531.43 KB
18.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1250-1.1210=40pips and 1.1240-1.1180=60pips=100pips x 17=1700usd profit
564.23 KB
18.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3390-1.3440=50pipsx16=800usd profit
543.58 KB
18.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1333-1344=11point and 1338-1355=17point=28point x 150=4200usd profit
537.50 KB
17.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1290-1.1200=90pips and 1.1250-1.1210=40pips=130pipsx17=2210usd profit
513.12 KB
17.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.26901-1.25801=110pips and 1.26001-1.25201=80pip=190pips total x 15=2850usd profit
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17.6.19 USOIL SELL 52.9-51.7=1.2point and 53.0-51.5=1.5point=2.7point total x 4000=10800usd profit
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14.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1330-1343=13point and 1340-1358=18point=31pointx150=4650usd profit
522.78 KB
14.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3300-1.3420=120pips x 16=1920usd profit
528.30 KB
14.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2690-1.2580=110pips x 15=1650usd profit
511.07 KB
14.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.12900-1.12000=90pipsx17=1530usd profit
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13.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1350-1.1280=70pips and 1.1300-1.1260=40pips=110pips x 17=1870usd profit
536.58 KB
13.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2700-1.2660=40pips and 1.2710-1.2670=40pips=80pipsx15=1200usd profit
550.60 KB
13.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3270-1.3340=70pips and 1.3300-1.3340=40pips=110pips x 16=1760usd profit
551.23 KB
13.6.19 USOIL SELL 53.4-51.8=1.6point=4000qtyx1.6=6400usd profit
502.80 KB
13.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1325-1339=14point and 1330-1343=13point=27pointx150=4050usd profit
511.95 KB
12.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1350-1.1280=70pipsx17=1190usd profit
535.10 KB
12.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2760-1.2680=80pipsx15=1200usd profit
490.01 KB
12.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3270-1.3340=70pips x 16=1120usd profit
517.52 KB
12.6.19 USOIL SELL 54.0-52.9=1.1point and 53.4-50.7=2.7point=3.8pointx4000=15200usd profit
521.86 KB
12.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1320-1329=9point and 1325-1339=14point=23pointx150=3450usd profit
506.26 KB
11.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3250-1.3310=60pipsx16=960usd profit
512.01 KB
11.6.19 USOIL SELL 54.8-53.0=1.8point and 54.0-52.9=1.1point=2.9x4000=11600usd profit
555.49 KB
11.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1320-1329=9point=150qtyx9=1350usd profit
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10.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1325-1329=4point, 1325-1330=5point. 1325-1330=5point=14point total x 150=2100usd profit
584.55 KB
10.6.19 USOIL SELL 54.8-53.5=1.3point=4000qty x 1.3=5200usd profit
482.14 KB
10.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3240-1.3280=40pipsx16=640usd profit
503.43 KB
10.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2770-1.2650=120pipsx15=1800usd profit
469.24 KB
10.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13500-1.12900=60pips x 17=1020usd profit
513.66 KB
7.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.6960-0.7000=40pips and 0.6960-0.7020=60pips=100x300=3000usd profit
578.09 KB
7.6.19 USDX SELL 97.0-96.3=0.7point=2200qtyx0.7=1540usd profit
423.01 KB
7.6.19 USOIL SELL 53.8-52.6=1.2point=4000qtyx1.2=4800usd profit
568.45 KB
7.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1327-1340=13points and 1330-1348=18points=31pointsx150=4650usd profit
575.49 KB
6.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.6960-0.7000=40pipsx30=1200usd profit
529.33 KB
6.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1310-1.1200=110pips and 1.1310-1.1240=70pips=180pips x 17=3060usd profit
518.08 KB
6.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2750-1.2670=80pips and 1.2750-1.2690=60pips=140pips x 15=2100usd profit
545.39 KB
6.6.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3360-1.3430=70pipx16=1120usd profit
523.57 KB
6.6.19 USDX SELL 97.4-96.7=0.7pointx2200qty=1540usd profit
419.01 KB
6.6.19 USOIL SELL 52.3-51.2=1.1point and 52.2-51.1=1.1point=2.2pointx4000qty=8800usd profit
583.99 KB
6.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1320-1344=24point and 1327-1340=13point=37point x 150=5550usd profit
553.92 KB
5.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1310-1.1220=90pips x 17=1530usd profit
522.52 KB
5.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.27500-1.26800=70pipsx15=1050usd profit
560.04 KB
5.6.19 USDX SELL 97.7-96.9=0.8point and 97.3-96.8=0.5point=1.3pointx2200=2860usd profit
489.62 KB
5.6.19 USOIL SELL 53.8-55.5=3.3point=4000qtyx3.3=13200usd profit
552.80 KB
5.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1320-1329=9point and 1320-1344=24point=33points x 150=4950usd profit
569.85 KB
4.6.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.6950-0.6990=40pips x 30=1200usd profit
532.79 KB
4.6.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1280-1.1220=60pipsx17=1020usd profit
496.11 KB
4.6.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2690-1.2640=50pips and 1.2710-1.2660=50pips=100pipsx15=1500usd profit
540.02 KB
4.6.19 USOIL SELL 53.4-52.4=1point and 53.4-52.6=0.8point=1.8pointx4000=7200usd profit
545.91 KB
4.6.19 XAUUSD BUY 1321-1329=8point and 1320-1329=9point=17point x 150=2550usd profit
545.97 KB
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555.57 KB
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