28.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.14200-1.13600=60pipsx17=1020usd profit
5 years ago
595.17 KB
28.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 2 SL HIT 40pips loss and 1.3350-1.3250=100pips gain=60x15=900usd profit
643.28 KB
28.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3110-1.3170=60pips and 1.3140-1.3210=70pips=130pipsx16=2080usd profit
621.70 KB
28.2.19 USOIL SELL 57.3-56.4=0.9point=4000qtyx0.9=3600usd profit
595.57 KB
28.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1316-1327=11pointsx150=1650usd profit
603.33 KB
27.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.14100-1.13600=50pipsx17=850usd profit
603.17 KB
27.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31100-1.31700=60pipsx16=960USD profit
579.33 KB
27.2.19 USDX SELL 96.3-95.7=0.6point and 96.0-95.7=0.3point=0.9x2200=1980usd profit
538.72 KB
26.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.71200-0.71900=70pips and 0.71400-0.71900=50pips=120x30=3600usd profit
644.96 KB
26.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13800-1.13400=40pips=40x17=680usd profit
628.56 KB
26.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3100-1.3050=50pip, 1.310-1.312=-20pip loss and 1.324-1.314=100pip=130pip totalx15=1950usd profit
630.17 KB
26.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31700-1.32400=70pipsx16=1120usd profit
643.49 KB
26.2.19 USDX SELL 96.5-96.0=0.5point=2200qtyx0.5=1100usd profit
486.07 KB
26.2.19 USOIL SELL 57.5-55.0=2.5point and 55.7-55.0=0.7point=3.2pointx4000=12800usd profit
628.11 KB
26.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1323-1329=6point=150qtyx6=900usd profit
577.21 KB
25.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.71200-0.71900=70pips x 30=2100usd profit
578.04 KB
25.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13700-1.13300=40pipsx17=680usd profit
569.07 KB
25.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3100-1.3050=50pipx15=750usd profit
628.08 KB
25.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31100-1.3200=90pipx16=1440usd profit
558.98 KB
25.2.19 USOIL SELL 57.5-55.0=2.5point=4000qtyx2.5=10000usd profit
578.22 KB
25.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1321-1333=12point, 1325-1333=8point=20pointx150=3000usd profit
679.23 KB
22.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1321-1333=12point=12x150=1800usd profit
1.09 MB
22.2.19 USOIL SELL 57.8-57.2=0.6point=0.6x4000=2400usd profit
229.98 KB
22.2.19 USDX SELL 96.7-96.2=0.5pointx2200=1100usd profit
440.60 KB
22.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3100-1.29600=140pips x 15=2100usd profit
601.66 KB
22.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13500-1.13600=70pipsx17=1190usd profit
636.29 KB
22.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.70700-0.71500=80pips x 30=2400usd profit
595.10 KB
20.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13800-1.13300=0.005=50pipsx17=850USD profit
6 years ago
591.75 KB
21.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1370-1.1320=50pips and 1.1370-1.1320=50pips=100pipsx17=1700usd profit
667.39 KB
21.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3100-1.3020=80pipsx15=1200usd profit
627.90 KB
21.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3150-1.3200=50pips and 1.3160-1.3220=40pips=90x16=1440usd profit
687.17 KB
21.2.19 USOIL SELL 57.6-56.9=0.7point and 57.6-56.6=1point=1.7x4000=6800usd profit
673.10 KB
18.2.19 USOIL SELL 55-55.5=-0.5point loss and 56.3-55.6=0.7point gain=0.7x4000=2800usd profit
666.38 KB
20.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.71000-0.71800=80pips and 0.71400-0.71800=40pips=120x30=3600usd profit
675.19 KB
20.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.30800-1.30100=0.007=70pipsx15=1050usd profit
622.92 KB
20.2.19 USDX SELL 96.9-96.2=0.7point and 96.5-96.1=0.4point=1.1x2200=2420usd profit
565.00 KB
20.2.19 USOIL SELL 56.8-55.7=1.1point=4000qtyx1.1=4400usd profit
591.10 KB
20.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1339-1347=8point=150qtyx8=1200usd profit
654.09 KB
19.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.7100-0.71800=80pipsx30=2400usd profit
611.21 KB
19.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1340-1.1300=40pips and 1.1320-1.1270=50pips=90pipsx17=1530usd profit
652.34 KB
19.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.32400-1.32800=40pipsx16=640usd profit
651.91 KB
19.2.19 USDX SELL 96.9-96.2=0.7point=2200qtyx0.7=1540usd profit
536.95 KB
19.2.19 USOIL SELL 56.4-55.6=0.8point and 56.2-55.2=1.8pointx4000=7200usd profit
673.88 KB
19.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1321-1328=7point and 1322-1342=20point=27pointx150=4050usd profit
585.67 KB
18.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.71300-0.71600=30pips and 0.71400-0.71600=20pips=50x30=1500usd profit
667.37 KB
18.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1340-1.1300=40pipsx17=680usd profit
606.12 KB
18.2.19 USDX SELL 96.8-96.4=0.4point=0.4x2200=880usd profit
565.73 KB
18.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1320-1325=5point and 1321-1328=7point=12pointx150=1800usd profit
665.93 KB
15.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.7080-0.7130=50pips and 0.7070-0.7150=80pips=130pipsx30=3900usd profit
634.44 KB
15.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1310-1.1260=50pips and 1.1300-1.1230=70pips=120pips x 17=2040usd profit
672.10 KB
15.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3220-1.3340=120pips and 1.3270-1.3320=50pips=170pips x 16=2720usd profit
690.17 KB
15.2.19 USDX SELL 97.2-96.6=0.6pointx2200=1320usd profit
534.87 KB
15.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1302-1314=12point, 1310-1321=11point=23x150=3450usd profit
589.49 KB
14.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.70800-0.71300=0.005=50pipsx30=1500usd profit
662.25 KB
14.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1290-1.1250=40pips and 1.1310-1.1260=50pips=90x17=1530usd profit
663.46 KB
14.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2880-1.2770=110pipsx15=1650usd profit
603.16 KB
14.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31900-1.32600=70pips and 1.32200-1.33400=120pips=190pipsx16=3040usd profit
655.13 KB
14.2.19 USOIL SELL 54.7-53=0.7pointx4000=6800usd profit
628.93 KB
14.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1302-1314=12pointsx150=1800usd profit
633.59 KB
12.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1303-1310=7points and 1306-1315=9points=16pointx150=2400usd profit
632.95 KB
12.2.19 USOIL SELL 52.7-51.2=1.7point and 54.0-53.1=0.9point=2.6pointx4000=10400usd profit
585.64 KB
12.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.29400-1.28500=90point, 1.28900-1.28300=60pips=150pipsx15=2250usd profit
642.48 KB
12.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13300-1.12600=70pips and 1.12900-1.12500=40pips=110pipx17=1870usd profit
636.03 KB
12.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.70500-0.7100=50pipsx30=1500usd profit
629.56 KB
13.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.70500-0.71000=50pips and 0.70900-0.71300=40pips=90pipsx30=2700usd profit
646.21 KB
13.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13400-1.12700=70pipsx17=1190usd profit
628.42 KB
13.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2920-1.2870=50pips and 1.2960-1.2850=110pips=160pips x 15=2400usd profit
667.47 KB
13.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31900-1.32600=70pipsx16=1120usd profit
661.16 KB
13.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1308-1314=6points and 1308-1318=10points=16pointx150=2400usd profit
656.65 KB
11.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13500-1.13100=40pip and 1.13300-1.12600=70pip=110pipx17=1870usd profit
619.41 KB
11.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3000-1.2920=80pips, 1.2980-1.2920=60pips and 1.2940-1.2850=230pipsx15=3450usd profit
665.04 KB
11.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.3260-1.3300=40pip and 1.3260-1.3320=60pip=100pipx16=1600usd profit
683.28 KB
11.2.19 USOIL SELL 52.9-51.2=1.7point=4000qtyx1.7=6800usd profit
618.14 KB
11.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1303-1310=7points=150qtyx7=1050usd profit
621.71 KB
8.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.70600-0.71000=40pipsx30=1200usd profit
603.38 KB
8.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13600-1.13200=40pips and 1.13500-1.13200=30pips=70x17=1190usd profit
651.66 KB
8.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3000-1.2920=80pips and 1.2980-1.2930=50pips=130pips x 15=1950usd profit
671.61 KB
8.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.32300-1.3300=70pips x 16=1120usd profit
625.83 KB
8.2.19 USOIL SELL 52.7-52.0=0.7point=4000qtyx0.7=2800usd profit
631.55 KB
8.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1308-1315=7pointsx150=1050usd profit
626.46 KB
7.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.13600-1.13200=40pipsx17=680usd profit
617.37 KB
7.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2980-1.2930=50pip, 1.2960-1.2950=110pip=160pips toal gainx15=2400usd profit
642.24 KB
7.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31700-1.33200=0.015=150pipsx16=2400usd profit
607.32 KB
7.2.19 USOIL SELL 54.2-53.5=0.7point and 54.2-51.8=2.4point=3.1pointx4000=12400usd profit
629.73 KB
7.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1302-1312=10point=150qtyx10=1500usd profit
652.22 KB
6.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.14200-1.13600=60pipsx17=1020usd profit
604.25 KB
6.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.2980-1.2940=40pipsx15=600usd profit
666.55 KB
6.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31200-1.32100=90pipx16=1440usd profit
641.26 KB
6.2.19 USOIL SELL 55.2-53.6=1.6point, 54.6-53.4=1.2point, 54.0-52.8=1.2point=4pointx4000=16000usd profit
646.12 KB
5.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.71900-0.72600=70pipsx30=2100usd profit
588.75 KB
5.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.14400-1.14000=40pipsx17=680usd profit
638.48 KB
5.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.30500-1.29200=130pips x 15=1950usd profit
620.15 KB
5.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31000-1.31200=20pips and 1.31000-1.31600=60pips=80pips x 16=1280usd profit
658.92 KB
5.2.19 USOIL SELL 55.2-53.6=1.6point and 54.6-53.4=1.2point=2.8point total gain x 4000=11200usd profit
603.73 KB
5.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1308-1315,1310-1315,1310-1317=19points total x 150=2850usd profit
679.46 KB
2.2.19 AUDUSD BUY FEB19 SUP 0.68900,0.69900,0.71700
140.87 KB
2.2.19 EURUSD SELL FEB19 WK1 RES 1.15000,1.15500
124.85 KB
2.2.19 GBPUSD SELL FEB19 WK1 REST 1.29500,1.31800
155.46 KB
2.2.19 USDCAD BUY FEB19 WK1 SUP 1.310-1.315,1.325-1.330
818.82 KB
2.2.19 USDX SELL FEB19 WK1 RES 97.5-97.7, 97.2-97.3, 96.4-96.7, 95.6-95.7
657.32 KB
2.2.19 USOIL SELL FEB19 WK1 RES 60.5-61, 54.5-55, 52-52.5
798.56 KB
2.2.19 XAUUSD BUY FEB19 WK1 SUP 1310-1315, 1295-1300, 1275-1280, 1235-1240
755.92 KB
4.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.1490-1.1450=40pips and 1.1490-1.1420=70pips=110pipsx17=1870usd profit
639.26 KB
4.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3100-1.30400=60pips and 1.3100-1.3030=70pips=130pips x 15=1950usd profit
696.93 KB
4.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.30700-1.31500=80pips x 16=1280usd profit
675.23 KB
4.2.19 USOIL SELL 55.6-54.8=0.8point and 55.7-53.3=2.4point=3.2pointx4000=12800usd profit
633.62 KB
4.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1308-1315=7points=150qtyx7=1050usd profit
640.47 KB
1.2.19 AUDUSD BUY 0.72300-0.72900=60pipsx30=1800usd profit
603.27 KB
1.2.19 EURUSD SELL 1.15100-1.14300=80pips and 1.14900-1.14500=40pips=120pips x 17=2040usd profit
680.29 KB
1.2.19 GBPUSD SELL 1.3160-1.3080=80pips and 1.3120-1.3040=80pips=160pipsx15=2400usd profit
646.56 KB
1.2.19 USDCAD BUY 1.31200-1.31600=40pipsx16=640usd profit
610.42 KB
1.2.19 USDX SELL 95.4-95.0=0.4point x 2 times=0.8x2200=1760usd profit
582.02 KB
1.2.19 USOIL SELL 55.3-53.3=2point=4000qtyx2=8000usd profit
587.99 KB
1.2.19 XAUUSD BUY 1316-1324=8pointsx150=1200usd profit
627.73 KB
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