31.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.28100-1.27200=90pipsx15=1350usd profit
6 years ago
629.15 KB
31.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.35900-1.36600=70pips and 1.36100-1.36700=60pips=130pips x 16=2080usd profit
692.50 KB
31.12.18 USDX SELL 96.6-95.8=0.8point, 96.2-95.7=0.5point, 96.0-95.6=0.4point=1.7point total gainx2200=3740usd profit
578.56 KB
31.12.18 USOIL SELL 46.2-44.4=1.8point, 46.6-44.7=1.9point=3.7pointx4000=14800usd profit
673.56 KB
31.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1275-1284=13points and 1278-1282=4points=13points total gain=1950usd profit
691.80 KB
28.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.70200-0.70700=50pipsx30=1500usd profit
669.13 KB
28.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.356-1.366=100pips and 1.359-1.366=70pips=170pips total gain x 16=2720usd profit
653.79 KB
28.12.18 USDX SELL 96.5-95.6=0.9point, 96.5-95.8=0.7point, 96.6-95.7=0.9point=2.5point total gainx2200=5500usd profit
635.00 KB
28.12.18 USOIL SELL 47.0-44.3=2.7point and 46.2-44.4=1.8point=4.5point x 4000=18000usd profit
666.75 KB
28.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1267-1279=12point, 1274-1282=8point=20points x 150=3000usd profit
663.82 KB
27.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.144-1.347, 1.142-1.134, 1.141-1.136=200pips total gain=200x17=3400usd profit
669.66 KB
27.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.274-1.263=110pips and 1.267-1.261=60pips=170pips totalx15=2550usd profit
662.61 KB
27.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.35600-1.36200=60pips and 1.35600-1.3660=100pips=160pips total gainx16=2560usd profit
700.30 KB
27.12.18 USDX SELL 96.5-95.8=0.7point,96.6-96.0=0.6point=1.3point gain=2860usd profit
600.74 KB
27.12.18 USOIL SELL 2 entries from 47=4.8 and 2.7point gain=7.5point total gain x 4000=30000usd profit
662.44 KB
27.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 3 entries from 1267range=12,5 and 11 points gain=28points totalx150=4200usd profit
741.34 KB
26.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.70200-0.70700=50pips and 0.70400-0.70700=30pips=80pips x 30=2400usd profit
684.05 KB
26.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.148-1.135=130pips and 1.144-1.135=90pips=210pips total x 17=3740usd profit
682.62 KB
26.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.268-1.263=50pips and 1.274-1.263=110pips=160pips x 15=2400usd profit
686.24 KB
26.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.356-1.361=50pips and 1.359-1.362=30pips=80pips total=1280usd profit
651.07 KB
26.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1254-1270=16points and 1268-1279=11points=27points x 150=4050usd profit
621.77 KB
24.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.271-1.262=90pips and 1.268-1.263=50pip=140pipsx15=2100usd profit
646.04 KB
24.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.344-1.353, 1.349-1.356, 1.351-1.361=260pips gain x 16=4160usd profit
693.91 KB
24.12.18 USDX SELL 96.6-95.6=1point and 96.5-95.8=0.7point=1.7pointx2200=3740usd profit
603.96 KB
24.12.18 USOIL SELL 47.0-45.0=2point and 46.4-42.4=4point=6pointsx4000=24000usd profit
649.72 KB
24.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1256-1262=6point and 1254-1270=16point=24points x 150=3300usd profit
629.19 KB
21.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.71500-0.70800=70pips and 0.70700-0.71100=40pips=110pipsx30=3300usd profit
691.02 KB
21.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.1490-1.1400, 1.1480-1.1360=210pips total gain=210x17=3570usd profit
700.28 KB
21.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.27100-1.26200=90pips and 1.2700-1.26200=80pips = 170pips x 15 = 2550usd profit
671.77 KB
21.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.3440-1.3530, 1.3490-1.3560=170pips total gain x16=2720usd profit
678.65 KB
21.12.18 USDX SELL 97.2-96.5, 96.6-96.0, 96.6-95.6, 96.2-95.6=2.8point total gain
597.83 KB
21.12.18 USOIL SELL 48.3-47.0,48.3-45.6,46.7-45.1=5.3point total gain=21200usd profit
678.00 KB
21.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1241-1266=25point, 1256-1262=6point=31points x 150=4650usd profit
669.88 KB
20.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.144-138, 13149-1.14=150pips x 17=2550usd profit
676.07 KB
20.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.7170-0.7200, 0.7080-0.7150=100pips total gain=100x30=3000USD profit
667.61 KB
20.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.268-1.26,1.268-1.26,1.271-1.262=250pipsx15=3750usd profit
710.91 KB
20.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.34100-1.3510=100pips, 1.34400-1.3480=40pips=140pipsx16=2240usd profit
696.20 KB
20.12.18 USDX SELL 97.2-96.5,96.6-96,96.6-95.6=2.2point gainx2200=4840usd profit
595.89 KB
20.12.18 USOIL SELL 48.3-47=1.3,48.2-45.6=2.6=3.9pointx4000=15600usd profit
621.93 KB
20.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1246-1258=12point, 1241-1265=24point=36point x 150=5400usd profit
603.36 KB
19.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.71700-0.72100=40pips and 0.71700-0.7200=30pips=70pips total gain=70x30=2100usd profit
748.87 KB
19.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.1440-1.1270, 1.1440-1.1370=240pips total gainx17=4080usd profit
726.88 KB
19.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.270-1.262=80, 2 entries from 1.268 to 1.26 and 1.261=230pips total gain
708.06 KB
19.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.3380-1.3500=120pip and 1.3410-1.3510=100pip=220pip total gain
661.95 KB
19.12.18 USDX SELL 97.1-96.4, 96.6-96.1, 96.6-96=0.6=1.8point total gainx2200=3960usd profit
598.01 KB
19.12.18 USOIL SELL 48.3-47=1.3point=4000x1.3point=5200usd profit
694.05 KB
19.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1233-1248, 1244-1251, 1246-1258=34pointx150=5100usd profit
602.80 KB
18.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1232-1248=16point, 1244-1251=7point=23points gainx150=3450usd profit
707.78 KB
18.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.335-1.341=60pip and 1.338 - 1.350=120pip=180pips total gain
634.10 KB
18.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.2690-1.2530, 1.265 - 1.259 AND 1.2700-1.2620=280pips gain
696.34 KB
18.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.140-1.130=100pips, 1.139-127=120pips, 1.14-1.136=40pip=260pips total gain
665.09 KB
18.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.715 - 0.719=40pips and 0.717 - 0.721=40pips=80pips x 30=2400usd profit
681.89 KB
18.12.18 USDX SELL 97.2-96.5=0.7point,96.6-96.1=0.5point=1.2point total x2200=2640usd profit
543.24 KB
18.12.18 USOIL SELL 51.8-49=2.8point and 49.2-45.8=3.4point=6.2point x 4000=24800usd profit
605.28 KB
15.12.18 XAUUSD BUY WK2 SUP 1182-1184,1200-1205, 1215-1220, 1235-1230
924.69 KB
15.12.18 USOIL SELL WK2 RES 63.5-64, 60.5-61, 57.5-58, 54.5-55
861.45 KB
15.12.18 USDX SELL WK2 RES 97.8-98.0, 97.5-97.4, 97.0-97.2
613.96 KB
15.12.18 USDCAD BUY WK2 SUP 1.27800-1.27900, 1.29200-1.29700, 1.30300-1.30500, 1.31300-1.31100,1.13800 -1.1370
882.84 KB
15.12.18 GBPUSD SELL WK2 RES 1.31800,1.30000,1.29000,1.28000,1.27000
118.82 KB
15.12.18 EURUSD SELL WK2 RES 1.16000,1.15500,1.14800,1.14200
124.64 KB
15.12.18 AUDUSD BUY Wk2 SUPP 0.69600,0.70800,0.7160
128.77 KB
17.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.7200-0.7250=50pips and 0.7150-0.7190=40pips=90pips gain x30=2700usd profit
653.00 KB
17.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.268-1.253=150pips and 1.265-1.259=60pips=210pips total x15=3150usd profit
681.47 KB
17.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.334-1.340=60pips and 2 entries 1.337-1.3410=40pips 2 times=140pips total gain
713.33 KB
17.12.18 USDX SELL 97.2-96.4=0.8point=0.8x2200=1760usd profit
604.41 KB
17.12.18 USOIL SELL 53.3-50.9=2.4point, 51.8-49.0=2.8point=5.2totalx4000=20800usd profit
632.08 KB
17.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1233-1251=18point, 1233-1248=16point=34pointsx150=5100usd profit
746.72 KB
14.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.14-1.13=100pip,1.139-1.133=60pip and 1.137-1.127=100pip=260pips x 17=4420usd profit
692.53 KB
14.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.265-1.247=180pips,1.269-1.262=70pips and 1.268-1.253=150pips=300pips total gainx15=4500usd profit
702.05 KB
14.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.3320-1.3390=70pips and 1.3340-1.3400=60pips=130pips total gainx16=2080usd profit
690.47 KB
14.12.18 USOIL SELL 52.7-50.5=2.2, 52.8-50.3=2.5, 53.3-51=2.4=7.1point total gainx4000=28400
656.65 KB
13.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.717-0.722=50pips and 0.719-0.725=60pips=110pips total gainx30=3300usd profit
622.26 KB
13.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.14-1.13 and 1.139-133=160pips total gain=160x17=2720usd profit
679.30 KB
13.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.264-1.247=170pips, 1.267-1.257=100pips and 1.269-1.261=80pips=350pipsx15=5250usd profit
653.66 KB
13.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.32500-1.34200=1710pips and 1.3320-1.3390=70pips=240pipsx16=3840usd profit
685.56 KB
13.12.18 USOIL SELL 2 entries from 52.8 and day trade entry=51.5 total swing gain=4.9pointx4000=19600usd profit
685.42 KB
12.12.18 SELL USOIL 54.5-52, 54.4-50.5, 52.8-51=8.2point gainx4000=32800usd profit
643.62 KB
12.12.18 USDX SELL 97.2-96.8=0.4point, 95.5-96.8=0.7point=1.1pointx2200=2420usd profit
621.41 KB
12.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 5entries 0.717, 0.719, 0.720=220pips=5400usd profit
667.46 KB
12.12.18 XAUUSD 2 entries from 1241=9points and 6points gain=15pointsx150=2250usd profit
621.11 KB
11.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.71700-0.72300=60pips and 0.71800-0.7230=50pips=110pipsx30=3300usd profit
654.44 KB
11.12.18 EURUSD SELL 3 entries 1.14200, 1.14500, 1.14000=120pips, 100pips and 100pips gain=320pipsx17=5440usd profit
705.71 KB
11.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.2800-1.2500=300pips and 1.2800-1.26400=140pips=440pips x 15=6600usd profit
682.16 KB
11.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.32500-1.34200=170pips and 1.3380-1.3420=40pips=210pips total gain=3360usd profit
664.93 KB
11.12.18 USDX SELL 92.2 4 entries = 2points total gain=2x2200=4400usd profit
603.41 KB
11.12.18 USOIL SELL 54.5-52=2.5point, 54.4-50=4.4point, 54.2- 50.5=3.7point=10.6pointx4000=42400point
649.87 KB
11.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1236-1250=14point and 1241-1250=9point=23pointsx150=3450usd profit
676.24 KB
8.12.18 BUY USDCAD BUY DEC18 WK1 SUP 1.278-1.279, 1.292-1.297, 1.303-1.305, 1.313-1.311,1.138 -1.137
769.49 KB
8.12.18 BUY XAUUSD DEC18 WK1 SUP 1182-1184,1200-1205, 1215-1220, 1235-1230
835.64 KB
8.12.18 BUY AUDUSD DEC WK1 sup 0.705-0.708,0.714-0.716,0.720-0.723
116.41 KB
8.12.18 SELL EURUSD DEC WK1 RES 1.16-1.162,1.154-1.155,1.147-1.148
121.40 KB
8.12.18 SELL GBPUSD DEC WK1 RES 1.315-1.318,1.308,1.307,1.29-1.292,1.285-1.288
119.26 KB
8.12.18 SELL USDX DEC18 WK1 RES 97.6-97.8 , 97.2-97.0, 96.8-96.6
703.74 KB
8.12.18 SELL USOIL DEC18 WK1 RES 63.5-64, 60.5-61, 57.5-58, 54.5-55
765.55 KB
10.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 0.719-0.724, 0.717-0.723=110pips total gain=110x15=1650usd profit
723.97 KB
10.12.18 EURUSD SELL 2 entries fron 1.14200 and 1 entry from 1.14500=270pips total gain=270x17=4590usd profit
708.16 KB
10.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.2800-1.2700=30pips and 1.2820 - 1.2500=350pipsx15=5250usd profit
671.11 KB
10.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.316-1.345=290pips,1.327-1.345=180pips and 1.325-1.340=110pips gain
669.45 KB
10.12.18 USOIL SELL 54.5-52.0,54.5-50.0,54.3-50.5=10.8point total gain=43200usd total profit
663.76 KB
10.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1210-1251=41point and 1244-1251=7point=48pointsx150=7200usd profit
639.46 KB
7.12.18 audusd buy 0.71900-0.72400=50pips gainx30=1500usd profit
625.11 KB
7.12.18 EURUSD SELL 3 entries from 1.142-1.141=210pips total gain=210x17=3570usd profit
702.52 KB
7.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.278-1.270=80pips,1.281-1.273=80pips and 1.279-1.271=80pips=240pipsx15=3600usd profit
658.34 KB
7.12.18 USDX SELL 3 entries from 97.1 and 96.9=1.9point total gain=1.9x2200=4180usd profit
657.51 KB
7.12.18 USOIL SELL 3 entries from 54.5 level=7.7point total gain=7.7x4000=30800usd profit
618.73 KB
7.12.18 XAUUSD BUY entries from 1229,1233,1234,1236=total 41points gain=41x150=6150usd profit
732.56 KB
6.12.18 EURUSD SELL 4 entries from 1.1410 = 380pips gain=380x17=6460usd profit
811.13 KB
6.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.2800-1.2700=100pips and 1.2800-1.2770=30pips=130pipsx15=1950usd profit
664.80 KB
6.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.31600-1.33600=200pips and 1.31600-1.34500=290pips=490pipsx16=7840usd profit
777.66 KB
6.12.18 USDX SELL 5entries=97.4,97.2, 3 entries from 97.1= total gain 3.1pointx2200=6820usd profit
746.77 KB
6.12.18 USOIL SELL 54.5-52=2.5point and 54.5=50=4.5=7points x 4000=28000usd
665.63 KB
6.12.18 XAUUSD SELL 1233-1241=8points and 1234-1244=10points=18pointsx150=2700USD profit
660.71 KB
5.12.18 EURUSD SELL 6 entries from MRD 1.14300-1.14100 = total gain=500pipsx17=8500usd profit
709.15 KB
5.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 4 entry from 1.28500-1.28200 and 1.2800=620pips total gain=9300usd profit
666.70 KB
5.12.18 USDCAD BUY 1.31600-1.32400=80pips and 1.32300-1.34=170pips=250pipsx16=4000usd profit
602.76 KB
5.12.18 USDX SELL 97-96.3=0.7point, 97.1-96.7=0.4point=1.1x2200=2420usd profit
589.71 KB
5.12.18 USOIL SELL 54.6-52.1=2.5point and 54.4-53.1=1.3point=3.8pointx4000=15200usd profit
580.48 KB
5.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1228-1242=14points and 1233-1239=6points=20pointx150=3000usd profit
655.45 KB
4.12.18 AUDUSD BUY 2 TIMES 0.73400-0.7400=60PIPS GAIN X 2=120pips x 30=3600usd profit
705.51 KB
4.12.18 EURUSD SELL 1.13800-1.13200=60pips and 1.14200-1.13100=110pips=170pips total=2890usd profit
603.02 KB
4.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.28300-1.2700=130pips and 1.285-1.2660=180pip=310pip total gainx15=4650usd profit
636.39 KB
4.12.18 USDCAD BUY 3 entries from 1.31600 to 1.32,1.322,1.326=200pips total gain=3200usd profit
665.88 KB
4.12.18 USDX SELL 97.2-96.5=0.7point gain and 97-96.3=0.7point gain=1.4point gainx2200=3080usd profit
559.52 KB
4.12.18 USOIL SELL 53.8-52=1.8point,54.6-52.6=2point=3.8x4000=15200usd
609.35 KB
4.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1216-1232=16points and 1228-1243=15points=31point total gain=4650USD profit
621.78 KB
3.12.18 audusd buy 2 entries from 0.73-0.729, 1 entry from 0.734-7.735=210pips=6300usd total gain
651.51 KB
3.12.18 EURUSD SELL 2 entry from 1.13800 to 1.1300 and 1.13200=140pips total gain=2380usd profit
603.22 KB
3.12.18 GBPUSD SELL 1.28100-1.27300=80pips and 1.28300-1.27000=130pips=total 210pips=3150usd profit
623.26 KB
3.12.18 USDX SELL entry1 - 97.4, entry2 - 96.6=0.9+0.6=1.5point gain=3300usd profit
574.31 KB
3.12.18 USOIL SELL 52.2-52.5=-3point and 53.8-52=1.8point gain=1.5point total gainx4000=6000usd profit
601.72 KB
3.12.18 XAUUSD BUY 1216-1223=7point gain and 1220-1235=15point=total 22point=22x150=3300usd profit
563.46 KB
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